Vota per Darek SQ3BKV ... DJ Tiddey!

Aperto da iz8ftw, 21 Agosto 2008, 22:17:22

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Ho ricevuto una mail da Darek SQ3BKV, http://www.qrz.com/sq3bkv
Sara' presente alla competizione del DJ MAG UK 2008 ,
Darek chiede alla comunita' radioamatoriale un supporto,
ovvero un voto sul sito di:


Le votazioni termineranno il 24 settembre 2008, ...
vota per DJ Tiddey !!!!

Ops dimenticavo ... avete visto bene su qrz.com?



The most important voting in DJ MAG takes place each year, from August till the 24th of September.
Each year, our fellow countryman Dj Tiddey and also a short-wave radio user SQ3BKV  participates in this event!!!
In the year 2006, he took 144th place! We can help him together to get better result this year!
If you have 2 minutes to help him, please click on the below link where you can cast a vote: http://top100djs.djmag.com

In the first point please write – Tiddey or DJ Tiddey (it does not matter). In the remaining points please choose other DJ's or some names if you do not know any other DJ's. You can also leave 4 empty places.
Next, please enter your name and surname (it does not have to be your real name), email and country.
Entering your email is compulsory because after voting DJ MAG sends you a verification email. If you do not enter your email, your vote will not be counted. What is more, your email has to be the real one, not fictitious.
DJ MAG does not send any spam emails anymore !!!
Then, you will be asked to write two words from "TOKEN" to confirm that you are a real person.
When you enter all necessary data you should click "SUBMIT" at the bottom of the page.
On the next page, please mark your sex, age and yes/ no for being DJ or not and then please click "SUBMIT"
24th of September is the last day of voting.
If you don't mind, please ask your friends to vote for Dj Tiddey.
Each vote is important!
Best Regards,


Ciao a tutti ...

E da tempo che non scrivevo qualcosa ...
Stammatina ho ricevuto posta da Trackitdown.net
con la lista dei vincitori del concorso top 100 DJ ...

In breve vorrei communicarvi che il DJ Tiddey alias
Darek SQ3BKV e risultato 81° con Get Away.

Insomma il suo sogno e' diventato realta' anche
grazie a noi Radiomatori e CB per il supporto dato.

Bellissimo leggere che nel 2006 era 144° ed oggi e'
nella top 100 DJ 2008 e' 81°!!!