Aperto da pesciolino73, 02 Novembre 2019, 08:52:19

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva

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The next 3D2AG/p Rotuma Island one-op Dxpedition is planned around the 28th November 2019 to January 5th 2020, weather and transport permitting. Latest shipping news is that a boat shall depart Suva around the 25th of November. Focus will be on low bands including 160m, 80m and 60m, with QRO when required. Beware of pirates impersonating the Rotuma expeditions, especially in EU! There will be NO internet access during the expedition; FT8 logs will be uploaded to ClubLog AFTER the expedition and CW/SSB/RTTY contacts will be recorded on paper logs as customary for this OP. Efforts are being made now to source a backup generator, fuel and pack antennas / gear ready for the end of the month.

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Staremo a vedere. Buon divertimento.

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