iss....prossimi ascolti

Aperto da italo2, 05 Giugno 2013, 16:07:58

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CONTATTO ISS  12 Maggio  con scuola in india

A  telebridge contact via K6DUE  with students at H.A.L. School, Lucknow, India is scheduled for Thu 2016-05-12 08:11:20 UTC 79 deg. The scheduled astronaut is Tim Kopra KE5UDN.

e poi  un INTERESSANTISSIMO esperimento dalla iss 11-12 maggio.....  tutto sul mio sito web .


Sentita oggi la ISS verso le 11,30.
Bisogna tener conto che,essendoci l'ora legale, all'ora UTC per avere l'ora locale italiana bisogna aggiungere 2 ore.
operatore Luigi
CHARLIE  17 su Rete Radio Montana
DMR-ID 2222367
locator: JN45KK  prov. di Milano


DOMANI:  Martedi 10  dalla ISS  ESPERIMENTO con il  CubeSat Tomsk-TPU-120 !

Il satellite  russo Tomsk-TPU-120 CubeSat è diverso da altri CubeSats !
Il 3U CubeSat è stato lanciato da Baikonur verso la ISS il 31 Marzo 2016 in una nave da carico Progress-MS-2. Sarà messo in orbita a mano nel corso di una futura passeggiata spaziale russa (EVA), che è il motivo per cui ha una maniglia.

Il satellite è stato sviluppato da studenti del Politecnico di Tomsk per testare la nuova tecnologia dei materiali spaziali e sarà il primo veicolo spaziale al mondo con una struttura stampata in 3D !

A maggio 2016 il Politecnico Tomsk festeggia  appunto il suo 120 ° anniversario. Nell'ambito delle celebrazioni il l 10-11 Maggio Tomsk-TPU-120 sarà attivato nella ISS e trasmetterà un saluto agli abitanti della Terra, registrato dagli studenti dell'università in 10 lingue: russo, inglese, tedesco, francese, cinese, arabo, Tatar, indiano, kazako e portoghese.

Il segnale di auguri nelle 11 lingue sarà trasmesso una volta al minuto a 437,025 MHz FM.

Uno dei ricetrasmettitori Kenwood D-700 sulla ISS fornirà un simulcast del segnale su 145.800 MHz FM.

Il satellite Tomsk a bordo della ISS verrà attivato Martedi 10 maggio alle 09:55 Locali  e spento l'11 maggio alle 12:10 Locali

rapporti di ricezione saranno apprezzati. Si prega di inviare i rapporti a

Per chi non fosse Radioamatore o SWL o non attrezzato sara' possibile ascoltate i saluti OnLine da questo satellite sulla ISS  tramite un ricevitore WebSDR :           

Per localizzare visivamente dove si trova rispetto a voi la stazione spaziale ISS si puo' usare ottimo programma di localizzazione satellitare Orbitron, o i vari siti on-line .

Info dal sito russo:

Buoni ascolti da questo interessantissimo esperimento russo !

73 de Rudy – IW2BSF

PS ricordo la messa in orbita a fine mese scorso di ben 3 NUOVI satelliti Cubesat (mini-cubi) di cui uno del ns Politecnico di Torino ( beacon CW) e uno un con ponte ripetitore D-Star a bordo ( Om giapponesi ).

nella foto il satellite russo usato domani e il suo maniglione che verra usato durante un prossimo EVA per il lancio dalla ISS !


ARISS contact planned for Justus-Knecht-Gymnasium, Bruchsal, Germany

An International Space Station radio contact has been planned for Jeff
Williams KD5TVQ with Justus-Knecht-Gymnasium, Bruchsal, Germany. The event
is scheduled Friday July 1st, 2016 at approximately 08:31 UTC. The amateur
radio contact will be a direct operated by DN1JKG. The downlink signals
should be audible over parts of Europe. Interested parties are invited to
listen in on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM.


The Justus-Knecht-Gymnasium is one of the biggest schools of general
education in the administrative district of Karlsruhe in
Baden-Wurttemberg. More than 1,300 students are taught by over one hundred
teachers. Our focus is on a scientific profile with the succession of
languages being English-French or English-Latin. Furthermore, science and
technology is a major subject starting in year 8. About 85% of our
students opt for this profile.

For four years now the Justus-Knecht-Gymnasium has been one of 44 model
schools in Baden-Wurttemberg which allow students to take their A-levels
at different speeds – either after eight or nine years of secondary

The Justus-Knecht-Gymnasium is also participating in three different
educational pilot projects. In the last two years leading up to their
A-levels, students may take up Mathematics "plus" (an enhanced version of
the subject Mathematics, six lessons a week) or computer science as a
major subject as well as science and technology as a minor subject.
Additionally, there are optional subjects for senior students, such as for
example psychology, philosophy, drama, and especially natural sciences
like geology, computer algebra, computer science, and astronomy.
The Justus-Knecht-Gymnasium cooperates with partners in various fields,
especially the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

In 2015 the town of Bruchsal organized the "Heimattage Baden-Württemberg"
(Homeland Days of Baden-Württemberg). The Justus Knecht-Gymnasium took
part in different projects, e.g. "Heimat Erde" (Homeland Earth). Students
of different years worked on the topic. Moreover there's a study team
working together with the amateur radio operators of Bruchsal. They
established radio communication, built a stratosphere balloon and prepared
the radio link to the ISS.

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Alexander, 17: (Welcoming speech in English and Russian) Is the space
debris a threat for the ISS?
2. Moritz, 11: How long does it take to return to earth in case of
3. Lars, 18: What do you do with the time saved due to time dilatation?
4. Sebastian, 15: Do you feel the temperature differences between inside
and outside during a spacewalk?
5. Lukas, 14: When will it be possible to realize a mission to Mars in your
6. Dario, 17: How do you lubricate mechanical parts against friction in
7. Jonas, 15: How many calories do you need per day?
8. Lennart, 13 : Do you play dart in space?
9. Tim, 15: Have you ever realized experiments with flying animals like
birds on the ISS?
10. Fabian, 15: In which way does the 90 minute-day-night-change influence
your life on board?
11. Nina, 17: Are you floating in your dreams, too?
12. Noel, 11: How do you recycle your water on board?
13. Janek, 15: Which buildings can you see from above?
14. Fabian, 15: Are you able to see polar lights from above?
15. Nadine, 17: Which animals are living currently on board?
16. Sandra, 16: Do you miss the weather on the ISS?
17. Tom, 17: What do you think about planet earth from high above?
18. Tom, 15: Did you wear a life vest or parachute during your flight to
the ISS?
19. Max, 18: What do you do in your spare time?
20. Michel, 16: Did you get medical training during your preparation on

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS past chairman


Contatto  ISS previsto 1 Luglio con scuola  Justus-Knecht-Gymnasium, Bruchsal, Germania

Un contatto radio Stazione Spaziale Internazionale è stato progettato per Jeff Williams KD5TVQ con Justus-Knecht-Gymnasium, Bruchsal, Germania.

L'evento è in programma Venerdì 1 luglio 2016 a circa 10:31 LOCALI.

Il contatto radioamatori sarà un diretto operato da DN1JKG.

I segnali downlink  udibili  solo qui in Europa.

73 de Rudy - IW2BSF


ARISS contact planned for ESA Space Camp 2016, Lenk, Switzerland

An International Space Station radio contact has been planned for Takuya
Onishi KF5LKS with ESA Space Camp 2016, convened in Lenk, Switzerland. The
event is scheduled Monday July 25, 2016 at approximately 12:46 UTC.
The amateur radio contact will be a telebridge operated by W6SRJ, located
in Santa Rosa, California, USA.


The ESA Space Camp is a summer camp organized by the European Space Agency
at KUSPO, "Kurs und Sportzentrum" in Lenk, Switzerland. For two weeks,
youngsters receive space education and making an ARISS contact with an
astronaut in space will be a highlight in the program. The program covers
space and exploration, such as looking at Rosetta's final operations as
well as at planet Earth and its uniqueness in the universe. A ham radio
expert will explain to the children how we communicate with the crew on
the ISS.

Signals from space will not be audible in Europe, but the event will be
streamed on:

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Theo, 10: If one astronaut is very ill, can a
"space-ambulance" be sent to bring the astronaut back to earth?

2. Wolfram, 10: How do you clean the air of the ISS

3. Alice, 12: I would like to know if a person with severe hearing problem
who is equipped with the cochlear implant, like me, is able to become
astronaut. Thank you.

4. André, 11: Once you are in the ISS, which part of the Earth you like the
most to fly over and why?

5. Daniel, 13: What physical changes do you notice with your body whilst
you are in space?

6. Marta, 11: Is it necessary to have medical knowledge to become
Astronaut? Because you shall give yourself an injection!

7. Ludovica, 12: Since the astronauts on board of ISS see many sunrises and
sunsets every day, how do they cope with sleeping and day/night cycles?

8. Gemma, 12: What is the most interesting thing on Earth that you have
seen from space?

9. Benjamin, 13: What is going through your mind during launch?

10. Emil, 10: For how long do the supplies in food and oxygen last on board
the ISS?

11. Ariane, 8: In case of a vital emergency issue inside the ISS that
requires the evacuation of the ISS, which are your escape options? Was it
ever used for real in the past?

12. Daniela, 10: How do you feel when you go to work outside the space

13. Kai, 11: If you knew that going to space was dangerous, why did you
decide to go?

14. Kelvin, 9: What is the first thing you want to do when you arrive back
to Earth?

15. Adèle, 9: When you go out of the station to repair something for
instance, what would happen if the cable connecting to the ISS break? What
does the crew in the station have to do to avoid that you go in deep space?

16. Gabriel, 12: Have you ever thought of the dangers that can happen in
your space missions?

17. Tiago, 9: What is the most exciting part of the travel to the ISS?

18. Eline, 12: What do you typically do during your free time at ISS? And
do you ever get bored?

19. Thibaut, 15: How much sport do you have to practice to keep muscle
tonus and avoid bones degradation?

20. Bergitte, 11: Do the astronauts onboard the ISS have the meals together?

21. Eduardo, 10: Have you ever felt loneliness or have you ever been afraid
of staying outside in the space?

22. Lucia, 11: What happens if an astronaut gets a cavity (toothache) when
at the Station?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS past chairman


Contatto ISS  previsto il 25 luglio  l'ESA Space Camp 2016, Lenk, Svizzera

Un contatto radio Stazione Spaziale Internazionale è stato pianificato per Takuya Onishi KF5LKS con l'ESA Space Camp 2016, convocata a Lenk, Svizzera.

L'evento è in programma Lunedi 25 Luglio 2016 a circa 00:46 UTC.

Quindi udibile sono negli USA !

Il contatto radioamatori sarà un telebridge gestito da W6SRJ, che si trova a Santa Rosa, California, USA.

L'ESA Space Camp è un campo estivo organizzato dall'Agenzia spaziale europea a KUSPO, "Kurs und Sportzentrum" a Lenk, Svizzera. Per due settimane, i giovani ricevono l'istruzione spazio e fare un contatto ARISS con un astronauta nello spazio sarà un punto culminante nel programma. Il programma copre lo spazio e l'esplorazione, come ad esempio guardando operazioni finali di Rosetta, nonché al pianeta Terra e la sua unicità nell'universo. Un esperto radioamatore spiegherà ai bambini il modo di comunicare con l'equipaggio sulla ISS.

mentre il prossimo 27 Lug  mercoledi contatto con gli USA ma  udibile in Europa !

questo udibile qui da noi e fatto dal mio amico il grande Claudio IK1SLD con anche collegamento TV !

73 de IW2BSF  Rudy

IU3EDK Alessandro

Bhe, per essere dei bambini dagli 8 ai 13 anni fanno domande davvero importanti! Sarebbe bello sapere le risposte! Si trovano in qualche sito? Avete un link?

73 a tutti da Belluno!

inviato MM500 using rogerKapp.


ARISS contact planned for Space Jam 10, Rantoul, IL USA

An International Space Station radio contact has been planned for astronaut
Kate Rubins KG5FYJ with Space Jam 10, Rantoul, Illinois,USA. The event is
scheduled Saturday 6 August, 2016 at approximately 15:59 UTC.
The amateur radio contact will be a telebridge operated by IK1SLD, located
in Casale Monferrato, Italy.

The downlink signal will be audible in Europe on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM.

There will be no video from the ISS, but the telebridge station IK1SLD will
stream live video of the ground station to the BATC Multiviewer server.
Interested parties can view the ground station operating at:

The BATC Multiviewer shows six screen views, one of which will be from the
IK1SLD station. You can enlarge it to full screen.


Greetings from the participants and volunteers of Space Jam 10 in Rantoul,
Illinois. Though primarily a weekend Scouting and STEM education event, we
are open to all interested youth. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts from 27
states have come together in an educational and fun format to learn life
skills that will prepare them for the increasingly complex future.

We are adding Art to STEM this year making STEAM. While it is well known
that Scouting teaches pioneering skills like camping and wilderness
survival, the new pioneers and wilderness are in outer space and we are
working hard at 44 technology oriented Merit Badges and activities, plus
some fun things like the Duct Tape Merit Badge.

Talking to the astronauts on the ISS is an unforgettable part of the
experience at Space Jam and that's next on our list. We will not know
for many years whether one of these youths becomes an astronaut themselves
but it is certain that they are all part of tomorrow's leaders.

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. How do you train to sleep in space?

2. What type of engine propulsion will we use to go to Mars?

3. Could we drop containers to the Mars surface but leave the engine in

4. Would a steam powered train whistle work in space?

5. How long did you train for this mission?

6. Could cables be stretched to an EARTH orbiting station & used as
tracks to reach orbit?

7. Could cables be stretched to a MARS orbiting station & used as
tracks to reach orbit?

8. If a ship left Mars, traveling 17,500 mph, what is the shortest time it
could take to reach Earth?

9. What activity do you look forward to the most when you wake up on the

10. Will you be training for future missions?

11. What is your favorite food on the space station?

12. How many bits of space junk does NASA track & how can we reduce the

13. Are there earth-bound disabilities that might be irrelevant in space

14. Is there art on the walls of the ISS or do you see examples of the Arts
in space?

15. If we found cave art on Mars what do you imagine it would depict?

16. Are there any musical instruments on the ISS?

17. Every discipline can be an art; from the people who sew the stitches on
a space suit to a computer programmer, aren't we all artists when we
do our best?

18. The theme for SJ 10 is the Arts; should STEM education be changed to

19. What music do you listen to on the ISS?

20. What is your favorite form of art?

21. How is the espresso machine working?

22. What fresh foods do you most look forward to on delivery day?

23. When will we first set foot on Mars?

24. When will we go back to the Moon?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS past chairman

IU3EDK Alessandro

Io ho chiesto LE RISPOSTE, non di nuovo le domande...

inviato MM500 using rogerKapp.


Citazione di: IU3EDK Alessandro il 29 Luglio 2016, 00:04:58
Bhe, per essere dei bambini dagli 8 ai 13 anni fanno domande davvero importanti! Sarebbe bello sapere le risposte! Si trovano in qualche sito? Avete un link?

73 a tutti da Belluno!

inviato MM500 using rogerKapp.
salve, di solito si trovano i contatti nel sito di ik1sld Claudio, questo lo trovi a questo indirizzo .

23 de ik1npe


6 agosto contatto ARISS previsto per Space Jam 10, Rantoul, IL USA

Un contatto radio Stazione Spaziale Internazionale è stato progettato per l'astronauta Kate Rubins KG5FYJ con Space Jam 10, Rantoul, Illinois, Stati Uniti d'America. L'evento è in programma Sabato 6 agosto 2016 a circa 17:59 locali

Il contatto radioamatori sarà un telebridge gestito da IK1SLD, situata a Casale Monferrato, Italia.

Il segnale downlink sarà udibile SOLO in Europa, su 145,800 MHz

Non ci sarà nessun video dalla ISS, ma la stazione IK1SLD telebridge sarà lo streaming video live della stazione di terra al server BATC Multiviewer. Le parti interessate possono visualizzare la stazione di terra che operano a:

Il BATC Multiviewer mostra sei viste a schermo, uno dei quali sarà dalla stazione IK1SLD. È possibile ingrandire a tutto schermo.

73 de Rudy - IW2BSF


10 Agosto ARISS contatto previsto per Valasska Polanka, Repubblica Ceca

Un contatto radio Stazione Spaziale Internazionale è stato progettato per l'astronauta Takuya Onishi KF5LKS ( il giapponese ) con OK2KJT Radioclub,in  Valasska Polanka, Repubblica Ceca.

L'evento è in programma Mercoledì 10 agosto 2016  circa alle 20:56 locali

Questo sarà un contatto radio diretto operato da OK2KET.

Il segnale downlink sarà udibile in Europa !


L'International elettronico e Ham Radio Camp è un progetto di volontariato guidato dai membri di tre club radiofonici: OK2KJT, OK2KFJ e OK2KDJ. Il campo estivo si trova nella Repubblica Ceca (locatore: JN78XW) e dura 11 giorni. L'obiettivo è quello di ottenere 44 bambini tra i 10 ei 16 anni interessati in elettronica e di dimostrare a loro un fantastico mondo della radio amatoriale. La roba campo è composto da professionisti esperti e appassionati del settore dei semiconduttori che sono anche volontariamente durante l'anno scolastico, che porta tempo libero gruppi elettronici per bambini ogni settimana.

I bambini fanno apparecchiature elettroniche, costruire antenne, partecipano in HF e in VHF concorsi radiofonici, ascoltano i satelliti amatoriali e cercano la Direzione Amateur Radio Finding (ABR. ARDF). Oltre a un programma tecnico, sport, giochi, concorsi e varie attività che promuovono il senso di comunità e spirito di squadra sono eseguite in campo e la sua foresta circostante. Alcuni ragazzi già ottenuti propria licenza di radioamatore.

73 de IW2BSF Rudy


11 agosto contatto ARISS previsto per Stati Uniti Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville in Alabama USA

Un contatto radio Stazione Spaziale Internazionale è stato progettato per l'astronauta Kate Rubins KG5FYJ con Stati Uniti Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville in Alabama Stati Uniti d'America.

L'evento è in programma Giovedi 11 Agosto 2016 a circa 16:48 locali

Questo sarà un contatto radio telebridge, gestito da IK1SLD, situata a Casale Monferrato, Italia.
Il segnale downlink sarà udibile in Europa! Telebridge.


Dal 1982, Space Camp in Stati Uniti Spazio e Rocket Center di Huntsville, in Alabama ha ispirato persone di tutte le età sulla scienza spaziale, il volo spaziale, e l'esplorazione dello spazio. Tra i 750.000 laureati Space Camp in tutto il mondo sono cinque astronauta alumnae, tra cui il dottor Kate Rubins, membro della spedizione 48/49 sulla ISS, attualmente a bordo. La sua presenza sulla stazione spaziale offre un'incredibile opportunità per i giovani che frequentano attualmente Space Camp di essere in grado di parlare con qualcuno che una volta era nei loro panni e ha continuato a diventare un astronauta.

E 'anche molto probabile che gli studenti internazionali parteciperanno a Space Camp durante il collegamento. Questi studenti avranno l'opportunità unica durante la visita negli Stati Uniti per partecipare a uno scambio attivo con il più grande laboratorio multi-nazionale on-off o-il pianeta! Oltre ai tirocinanti Space Camp, gli ospiti del museo avranno l'opportunità di prendere parte all'attività.

Come il centro visitatori originale della NASA, gli Stati Uniti Spazio e Rocket Center ha raccontato la storia della NASA, dal 1970. E con oltre 650.000 visitatori ogni anno, lo Space and Rocket Center è l'attrazione top turismo dell'Alabama. Il USSRC può anche portare a educatori che frequentano Spazio Accademia per educatori, un programma di sviluppo professionale coinvolgente condotto durante i mesi estivi ogni anno. In breve, il USSRC speranza di massimizzare sia campo e la partecipazione degli ospiti museo per promuovere le attività scientifiche che si svolgono sulla ISS, nonché evidenziare la tecnologia che consente tale scambio abbia luogo.

73 de IW2BSF  -  Rudy



giovedi 15 settembre 2016 è in programma un collegamento in diretta con gli studenti della C.E.PR. Almaden a Jaen in Spagna.

La mini conferenza è prevista alle 10:14 locali con l'ausilio del radioamatore EA7URJ.

A bordo della ISS risponderà alle domande dei ragazzi Kate Rubins KG5FYJ

73 de IW2BSF - Rudy

IU3EDK Alessandro

Secondo voi si può chiamare poco prima o dopo la "conferenza"?
Se si, una verticale tipo la x300 basterebbe, o meglio direttiva puntata?

inviato MM500 using rogerKapp.


Citazione di: IU3EDK Alessandro il 13 Settembre 2016, 00:04:29
Secondo voi si può chiamare poco prima o dopo la "conferenza"?
Se si, una verticale tipo la x300 basterebbe, o meglio direttiva puntata?

inviato MM500 using rogerKapp.

73 a tutti, è inutile chiamare, non rispondono perchè semplicemente non ascoltano sulla solita frequenza di chiamata, propio per tutelare il collegamento con le scuole non usano la frequenza stabilita come uplink ma altre che non  divulgano per evitare interferenze, poi purtroppo capita gente che chiama direttamente sulla frequenza downlink ma per questo non possiamo fare nulla a parte sopportare  l'incompetenza di chi chiama a 145.800 mhz, idem per chi (anche adesso) trasmette in aprs a 145.825 mhz senza che stà passando la ISS...
non dare da mangiare al troll


Contatto con la  ISS  Sabato pomeriggio con  lo  iSPACE di Cincinnati - USA

8 ottobre alle 18:15 locali  in telebridge essendo condotto dal ns grande Claudio IK1SLD

Tutti quindi in ascolto , 73 de IW2BSF - Rudy


Dove è possibile ascoltare in telebridge?

inviato iPhone using rogerKapp.
Pagina QRZ.COM
Sito web
                          STAY TUNED!


non ti serve perche passaggio qui da noi, quindi udibile in Europa....

cmq lo segui qui nel sito di Claudio cliccando su LIVE :


Citazione di: iw2bsf il 04 Ottobre 2016, 09:32:18
non ti serve perche passaggio qui da noi, quindi udibile in Europa....

cmq lo segui qui nel sito di Claudio cliccando su LIVE :
Spero di poter ascoltare il passaggio.

inviato iPhone using rogerKapp.
Pagina QRZ.COM
Sito web
                          STAY TUNED!


Ecco qui il collegamenti di sabato:

ARISS contact planned for school in Cincinnati, USA

An International Space Station radio contact has been planned for astronaut
Kate Rubins KG5FYJ with iSPACE, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The event is
scheduled Saturday October 8, 2016 at approximately 16:15 UTC.

This will be a telebridge radio contact, operated by IK1SLD, located in
Casale Monferrato, northern Italy.
The downlink signal will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz
narrowband FM.


In 2001, iSPACE, is a 501(c)(3) organization, incorporated as a STEM
(science, technology, engineering and math) educational resource for
schools throughout the Greater Cincinnati region. The iSPACE mission is
to make STEM learning exciting and to promote STEM career awareness,
through interactive programs for students, educators and families in the
region. iSPACE provides innovative and effective programs, events and
learning experiences for students (grades preK­12), their educators and
their families including field trips, outreach, professional development
and other programs that stimulate interest and appreciation for STEM. In
2015, iSPACE programs served a diverse population of 24,731 youth and
5,791 adults in more than 500 schools. iSPACE works diligently to
collaborate within the regional and their programs are recognized for
their effectiveness throughout the STEM community. Through rigorous
alignment to national and state standards and the utilization of best
practices, iSPACE continues to develop curriculum for educators and
inquiry­based educational opportunities for students. iSPACE has made a
mark in Greater Cincinnati for our high quality programs that measurably
and effectively inspire students in science, technology, engineering and
mathematics, increase their content knowledge and introduce them to STEM

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. What has been the most exciting part of your mission so far?

2. After seeing all the places on Earth from space, which one do you most
want to visit once you get back to Earth?

3. What's your favorite part of the day?

4. I know you use animals in research. How many animals do you have in
space with you right now and how do you take care of them?

5. Can a flying insect fly in space?

6. When you were preparing to leave high school did you know that you
wanted to be an astronaut? How did you decide what you wanted to do after
high school?

7. Please describe your years of education and training that led to your
assignment on the space station.

8. Do you practice emergency drills? Can you describe some of the critical
incidents that you need to prepare for?

9. Will your stay in space get shorter if you have too many headaches?
Also, if you have ever had a space headache, what did it feel like during
and after?

10. What are the major research projects you are focusing on and what
discoveries have you made?

11. Have any of the experiments failed or given you totally different
results than you expected?

12. Do you prefer being in space or on Earth?

13. What has been your greatest challenge so far and how did you respond to

14. Can you describe what zero gravity feels like?

15. Have you done a spacewalk and how does it feel?

16. What do you think the biggest advances will be in the space program
over the next ten year?

17. What are you most looking forward to when you return to earth and what
will you miss the most from your mission?

18. Does your schedule ever seem repetitive?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

73 da DeltaSQ


ARISS contact planned for school in Mel, Italy

An International Space Station radio contact has been planned for astronaut
Shane Kimbrough KE5HOD with Istituto Comprensivo "Marco da Melo", Mel,
Italy. The event is scheduled Friday November 4 2016 at approximately
08:47 UTC.
This will be a direct radio contact, operated by IQ3FL.
The downlink signal will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz
narrowband FM.


Our school is a state school and is meant for students aged 6 to 14 years
old. It has about 250 students. Its name "Marco da Melo" comes
from a historic character (a painter) of the 16th century. The school is
situated in a wide valley, Val Belluna (the valley of Belluno). All the
subjects included in the national regulations for this age bracket are
taught: Italian, History, Geography, Science, Math, foreign languages,
Art, Music and IT. Some technological workshops have been started up for
three years and only for the students of the last school year with the
help of the radio amateurs of the local section of Feltre. Themes related
to telecommunication are dealt with and experiments of electrophysics are
carried out as well as CW tests. Footage and slides related to the world
of the radio are shown.

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. What do you like most about living in space?

2. When did you decide to become an astronaut?

3. How do you keep fit in space?

4. How did you feel when you watched planet Earth for the first time?

5. What did you feel when you first entered the Station?

6. Is it difficult to get used to living in space?

7. What planet would you prefer to visit, if you could, and why?

8. Which kind of food do you eat in space?

9. Do you believe there is life on other planets?

10. How did you reach the Station and how long does it take?

11. What was your ambition when you were young?

12. How do you think this experience will change you?

13. How were you selected for the space program?

14. What sacrifices did you have to make to become an astronaut?

15. What does planet earth look like from there?

16. Have you ever encountered any problems during this expedition?

17. How long will you be staying in space?

18. What do you see from there?

19. Would you like to land on the moon and why?

20. How big is the ISS?

21. What is the most interesting experience you have had in your job?

22. Is the Space Station comfortable?

23. Who was your inspiration when you decided to become an astronaut?

24. If I wanted to become an astronaut, what would you suggest I should do?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS past chairman


ARISS contact planned for school in Barcelona, Spain

An International Space Station radio contact has been planned for astronaut
Shane Kimbrough KE5HOD with Col·legi Asuncion de Ntra. Sra., Barcelona,
Spain . The event is scheduled Thursday 17 November 2016 at
approximately 08:25 UTC.

This will be a telebridge radio contact, operated by W6SRJ, located in
California, USA.

The event will be webcast on:

The link will also be available at the school website

School information:

In 2016, Col·legi Asuncion de Ntra. Sra. is celebrating the 140th
anniversary of the 1876 founding of the school.

The school has approximately 600 students of Kindergarden (from 3 to 6
years of age), Primary (6-12 years old) and Secondary (from 12 to 16 years
old) and is located in Barcelona, in the Poblenou neighbourhood, belonging
to Sant Martí district.

It would be very rewarding for all of us to finish the anniversary
contacting the International Space Station as the main activity of a set
of Interdisciplinary Didactic Projects and multiple age level
participation activities.

Our aim is to engage every student in these activities, which are not only
STEM/STEAM related, but also cover geography, languages, history and

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Since you are at zero gravity, do you get the feeling of being upright
or upside down?

2. How do you cope with the anxiety caused by being in such a small room
where you can barely move?

3. What surprised you the most the very first time you reached the space
station? Does it have a certain smell (like hospitals do)?

4. What is your current research about?

5. To compensate for bone and muscle loss caused by weightlessness, do you
take any dietary supplement to complement the physical exercise?

6. Would you be willing to travel to Mars? When do you think it will be

7. Have you experienced any dangerous situation during the spacewalks, for
example a space debris impact?

8. What differences have you come across between 3D printing on Earth and
in the station?

9. How do you think schools in the future should be so students can meet
the challenges of your research?

10. Do you have control over the station or is it controlled from earth?
What about in case of an emergency?

11. How long can you be outside the station during EVAs (extravehicular

12. What is your opinion on the tourist space voyages? Do you think it will
be soon avaible for everyone?

13. What do you do when you are ill?

14. How do you spend your free time in the station?

15. What is the thing on the Earth that you miss the most?

16. Do you feel small compared to the hugeness of space?

17. How do the stars and the Earth look like from the space station?

18. Can you tell us about your daily life in the station?

19. What is the temperature and pressure inside and outside the space

20. Where do you get all the power for the station to function properly?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS mentor

73 da d


73 a tutti, è appena passata la ISS e ho ascoltato a 143.625mhz in russo, il prossimo passaggio dovrebbe essere ancora buono se non finiscono prima, da provare alle 00:47 ora locale...
non dare da mangiare al troll