iss....prossimi ascolti

Aperto da italo2, 05 Giugno 2013, 16:07:58

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Per chi vuole cimentarsi col greco :-D

ARISS contact planned for school in Katerini, Greece

An International Space Station contact has been planned for cosmonaut
Fyodor Yurchikhin RN3FI with a school in Katerini, Greece.
The event is scheduled Saturday April 29, 2017 at approximately 12.02 UTC.
The radio contact will be operated by SX2ISS.
Downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz
narrowband FM.

School presentation

The 14th Elementary School is a mid-size school in the centre of Katerini
city. It is a three floor building with 16 classrooms established in 1977.
Many residents have attended it all these years. It has won prizes and
honors in various fields (culture, athletics, etc.) and its graduates have
successfully continued their education in a higher level.

Teachers' effort is to engage kid's mind in a research for
knowledge in various fields like science, technology including space,
engineering and arts. For this reason, in the flexible zone program, the
school kids are engaged in projects such as an exhibition of their
drawings with themes from space and planets, paper handicrafts with
related themes, presentations about space exploration and how satellites
are staying in orbit. Their activities include visits to the local amateur
radio club to find out how telecommunications work.

The ARISS contact will be conducted in Greek.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Savvas (11): What is your current mission aboard ISS?
1. Σάββας (11): Ποιά είναι η αποστολή σας στον Διεθνή Διαστημικό Σταθμό;
1. Савва (11): Какую задачу выполняете Вы на МКС ?

2. Fanis (10):What age did you first realize that you wanted to become a
2. Φάνης (10): Σε ποια ηλικία συνειδητοποιήσατε ότι θέλατε να γίνετε
2. Фанис (10): В каком возрасте Вы решили, что станете космонавтом?

3. Basilis (10): What are your thoughts when you look at Greece from space?
3. Βασίλης (10): Τι σκέπτεστε όταν βλέπετε την Ελλάδα από το Διάστημα;
3. Василис (10): О чём Вы думаете, когда видите Грецию из Космоса?

4. Vasia (11): Are there any debris in Space?
4. Βάσια (11): Υπάρχουν σκουπίδια στο Διάστημα;
4. Васия (11): Есть ли мусор в космосе?

5. Katerina (11): How do you brush your teeth?
5. Κατερίνα (11): Πως πλένεται τα δόντια σας;
5. Катерина (11): Как Вы моете зубы на МКС?

6. Despina (10): How do you get a shower?
6. Δέσποινα(10): Πως πλένεστε στο διάστημα;
6. Деспина (10): Как вы купаетесь на МКС?

7: Panagiotis (10): How many times did you walk in space?
7: Παναγιώτης (10): Πόσες φορές περπάτησες στο διάστημα;
7. Панаёта (10): Сколько раз Вы выходили в открытый космос?

8. Mariami (9): What do you eat and drink in space?
8. Μαριάμι (9): Τι τρώτε και πίνεται στο διάστημα;
8. Мариами (9): Как вы питаетесь на МКС?

9. Katerina (9): How do you have fun in the Space Station?
9. Κατερίνα (9): Πως διασκεδάζεται στον Διαστημικό Σταθμό;
9. Катерина (9): Как Вы проводите свободное время на станции? Какие у вас

10. Nikolas (10): How fast do you travel?
10. Νικόλας (10): Πόσο γρήγορα ταξιδεύετε;
10. Николас (10): Какая скорость МКС?

11. Theano (9): How much time do you need to get in to the space suit?
11. Θεανώ (9): Πόση ώρα χρειάζεται να φορέσεις την διαστημική στολή;
11. Феано (9): Сколько время Вам надо, чтобы надеть космический костюм?

12. Nikos (12): How long does it take to get to space?
12. Νίκος (12): Πόση ώρα χρειάζεται για να φτάσετε στο Διάστημα;
12. Никос (12): Сколько часов необходимо, чтобы долететь от Земли до

13.Christina (12): What are your thoughts during your mission?
13. Χριστίνα (12): Ποιές είναι οι σκέψεις σας κατά τη διάρκεια της
αποστολής σας;
13. Христина (12): О чём Вы думаете во время полёта?

14.George (12): How do you prepare for your space travel?
14. Γιώργος (12): Πως προετοιμάζεστε για την διαστημική σας αποστολή;
14. Георгиос (12): Как Вы готовитеськ полёту?

15. Theano (11): How long do you stay in space for every mission?
15. Θεανώ (11): Για πόσο χρόνο μένετε στο διάστημα σε κάθε αποστολή;
15. Феано (11): Сколько время Вы проводите на МКС в каждый свой полёт?

16. Stavros (12): How many times have you travelled in space?
16. Σταύρος (12): Πόσες φορές έχετε ταξιδέψει στο διάστημα;
16. Ставрос (12): Сколько раз Вы летали на МКС?

17. Stathis (16): What words describe a man's effort to become a
17. Στάθης (16): Ποιες λέξεις περιγράφουν τον αγώνα ενός ανθρώπου για να
γίνει κοσμοναύτης;
17. Стафис (16): Какими словами Вы бы описали подготовку человека, который
хочет стать космонавтом?

18. Katerina(16): What does an astronaut feel when he observes the Earth
from space?
18. Κατερίνα (16): Ποια συναισθήματα κυριεύουν έναν κοσμοναύτη παρατηρώντας
τη Γη;
18. Катерина (16): Что чувствует космонавт,наблюдая Землю из Космоса?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.

For up to date information on ARISS television, please visit the HamTV
website at


Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS Europe

73 da DeltaSQ - IU2GLO


ARISS contact planned for schools in France

An International Space Station contact has been planned for astronaut
Thomas Pesquet KG5FYG with Collège Georges Brassens, Saint-Venant,
France, Collège René Cassin de Lillers, Lillers, France, and Lycée
Polyvalent Anatole France, Lillers, France

The event is scheduled Friday May 5, 2017 at approximately 09:58 UTC,
which is 11.58 CEST.
The radio contact will be operated by TM1ØISS.
Downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz
narrowband FM.

Schools presentation

Collège Georges Brassens
The village of Saint Venant is located in the Pas-de-Calais, at 40 Km west
of Lille.
The college Georges Brassens includes 435 pupils supervised by 32 teachers.
These students are between 11 and 15 years of age.
In 2015, 91% of the students obtained their diplomas, 61% of which were
awarded, which enabled
the college to obtain a distinction. Scientific projects are regularly
conducted at the college:
balloon probes, BIA project ... They allow students to develop their
scientific culture and discover many trades.
These projects also provide a link with the general and technological high
school of Lillers where the same projects are continued.

Collège René Cassin
The city of Lillers is only 8 Km distant from St Venant.
The college René-Cassin, located on the edge of the town of Lillers, is a
semi-rural college.
It accommodates 382 pupils from 10 to 15 years of socio-professional
origins very varied from
a part of the city and the neighboring villages and hamlets. The college
wants to open up to
its environment and offer its students the opportunity to enrich themselves
through activities
that will allow a cultural and scientific opening in connection with the
continuity towards high school.

Lycée Polyvalent Anatole France
The Lycée Anatole France is located in the downtown of Lillers and is well
known in the Pas-de-Calais department as it is regularly ranked among
the first high schools of the department for his success in the
It accommodates 940 students from 15 years to 20 years.
Since 8 years, the secondary school participates, with the classes of
second and the CSRAL, to scientific projects like the launch of a
stratospheric balloon
or to a parabolic flight in 2014. For 8 years, a preparation for the
certificate of initiation to the Aeronautics (BIA)
is open to pupils of 10th Grade. A preparation for the amateur radio
licence is also proposed since this year to students of 11th Grade.
All these activities allowing them to discover the universe of aviation
(BIA), the effects of The zero-gravity (parabolic flight),
the stratosphere and space (ISS orbital station) is to bring students back
into contact with the space station.
The high school will have a radioclub with a station able to make contacts
via satellites.

School exchange program with Denver, Colorado:

The Lycee Anatole France is partner with the STEM High School, a
semi-public school with a four-year curriculum that was founded in 2011.
they are ranked eleventh in the ranking of 342 schools in Colorado. their
enrollment includes 1600
high school students, with 25% ethnic diversity. Their students are
selected by lottery each year.
STEM provides a high-quality academic standard with an infusion of STEM
(science, technology,
technical education and mathematics) present in all subjects taught. they
also focus on teaching business,
as well as personal responsibility, teamwork and the ability to solve
problems with creativity.
The school is located in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, USA and have many
connections with high-tech companies in the Denver area.

Some of the questions below have been prepared by the STEM High School, and
will be read in English by the French students.
The contact will then be webcast for the benefit of the American High
school students.

The ARISS contact will be conducted in French.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Clémence (17): Vos expériences ont-elles pour but une future
colonisation de l'espace?

2. Maixent (13), Thomas (12): Parmi les clichés pris depuis l'ISS, quelle
photo préférez-vous ?

3. Noah (14): Est-ce que l'alternance jour/nuit plus courte a une influence
sur certaines de vos activités ou sur votre organisme ?

4. Josh (17): Due to the constant free fall of the ISS around the earth's
orbit, do you continue to feel the physical symptoms of the free fall, and
if so, how do you adapt to this feeling?

5. Emilie (17): Votre alimentation a t'elle des conséquences sur votre

6. Anthony (14), Maximilien (13): De combien avez-vous grandi depuis votre
départ ?

7. Chloé (14), Anaëlle (14): En raison de l'apesanteur, est ce que tu as
souvent des vertiges ou la sensation d'être désorienté ?

8. Peyton (15), Hope (16): How much social interaction do you have on a
given day with earth or with other ISS astronauts?

9. Adélaïde (17): Avez vous ressenti une certaine atrophie musculaire
pendant votre séjour?

10. Mélanie (13), Line (13): Les sensations ressenties lors de votre sortie
dans l'espace et lors de vos déplacements dans la station sont-elles les
mêmes que lors des entrainements en piscine ?

11. Loane (14), Flavie (13): Qu'est ce que tu as ressenti lorsque tu as vu
la terre pour la première fois depuis l'ISS?

12. Katie (14), Abby (15), Bella (14): Who inspired you to become an

13. Mathilde (17): Quels sont les êtres vivants qui ont été apportés pour
vos expériences?

14. Flavie (12), Lila (12): Pensez-vous repartir en mission dans l'espace?

15. Lucas (15), Océan (14): Quelle est ton activité préférée à bord de
l'ISS lors de ton temps libre ?

16. Zach (15), Truman (14): Do you see items entering the earth's
atmosphere or burning upon entering? What does it look like?

17. Eva (17): Quelles ont été vos sensations lors du décollage de la fusée

18: Margaux (14), Lou-Anne (12): Où avez vous prévu d'atterrir ?

19: Mélany (14), Assia (14): Est ce qu'il y a un endroit ou un phénomène
sur terre que tu n'as pas encore photographié et que tu souhaites avoir
tout particulièrement ?

20: Estelle (17): Sous quelle forme préférez-vous déguster vos aliments?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.


Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS Europe

73 da DeltaSQ - IU2GLO


ARISS contact planned for Boy Scouts from Buffalo, New York

An International Space Station ARISS contact has been planned for Cosmonaut
Fyodor Yurchikhin RN3FI with Boy Scouts from Buffalo, New York.

The event is scheduled Saturday June 10, 2017 at approximately 16.20 UTC,
which is 18.20 CEST.

The telebridge radio contact will be operated by ON4ISS
Downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz
narrowband FM.

The ARISS contact will be conducted in English.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Bryan: What motivated you to pursue this career? Did you ever imagine
being able to go to the ISS?
2. Carl: What is the hardest thing about living on the space station?
3. Isaiah: Is there the possibility of expanding the ISS for a more fuel
efficient launch site for lunar or Martian missions?
4. Dylan: What do you miss from Earth that you don't have in space?
5. Jared: What is the coolest weather pattern you've seen from the ISS?
6. Sean: Can you access the internet in Space? How are you connected?
7: Spencer: Recently, an experiment in growing potatoes was launched to the
space station that was designed by students from the Buffalo area. Are
you familiar with the experiment? How is that experiment proceeding?
8. Liam: What experiment has been the most fun for you and why?
9. Nathan: What was the most difficult challenge that you had to overcome
to become a cosmonaut?
10. Anthony: Which area of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics) do you find most useful as a cosmonaut on the Space Station?
11. Bryan: What are your daily meals like? (Are the meals from other
nations similar or different?) Do you get to trade meals with others?
12. Carl: What changes happened in your perspective of Earth when you went
so far away?
13. Isaiah: Scott Kelly was onboard the ISS for 340 days, what is the next
increment for time in space for Mars travel to be practical?
14. Dylan: Many of the experiments done on the ISS are for scientists
around the world. Do crew members keep up with the research projects
after the specific experiments are done?
15. Jared: In February the ISS twitter feed had a photo of a lone ship on
the ocean. Have you ever felt like you were a like that lone ship as you
work in on the ISS?
16. Sean: Which of the experiments you are doing during your ISS mission do
you think will have an impact on my life?
17: Spencer: I read that astronauts average about 6 hours of sleep a night,
with a goal or 8 hours. Why is it hard to sleep on the space station?
18. Liam: What pictures of the Earth have you taken, and what is your
19. Nathan: What would you say to young students about a career in science,
technology, engineering, or math?
20. Anthony: Were you ever involved in Scouting?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.


Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS Europe

73 da DeltaSQ - IU2GLO


ARISS contact planned for Space Center Houston

An International Space Station ARISS contact has been planned for
asrtronaut Jack Fisher K2FSH with Space Center Houston, Houston, TX, USA.
The event is scheduled Tuesday June 13, 2017 at approximately 15.19 UTC,
which is 17.19 CEST.
The telebridge radio contact will be operated by ON4ISS.
Downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz
narrowband FM.

Moreover, the ARISS HamVideo transmitter will be operated by the astronaut.
Live DATV from the ISS will be available at:
as well as

School Information:
Space Center Houston exists to tell the story of human space flight.
Hosting the ARISS contact allows the Center to engage students in human
space flight by a first-hand, real time experience. Space Center Houston's
year-long education plan engages students from pre-kindergarten through
college, with special emphasis on supporting underserved and
underrepresented students. The ARISS contact event will be an impactful
part of our summer camp program for 2017, which will be available for
students of ages 12-14, in 6th through 9th grade. Generally, attendance
for summer day camps comes primarily from the Clear Creek Independent
School District.

The ARISS contact will be conducted in English.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. How different is astronaut food from food here on earth?

2. What experiments are currently being conducted on the Space Station?

3. What do astronauts do when not in space?

4. How long does it take to become an astronaut?

5. What does it feel like to float constantly?

6. What is the biggest challenge you face as an astronaut?

7. What do astronauts do on their time off on the Space Station?

8. What is your biggest challenge living on the ISS?

9. How does someone become an astronaut?

10. What languages do you speak on the ISS?

11. What made you want to become an astronaut?

12. Why are there fewer women astronauts than men?

13. How does astronaut activity on the ISS affect people on Earth?

14. Do you have any interesting stories about the ISS?

15. What do you dislike most about being an astronaut?

16. How does Robonaut help astronauts on the ISS?

17. What experiments are you working on that will help get humans to Mars?

18. What is the funniest thing that has happened on the ISS?

19. Are you ever scared going up in to space?

20. What kind of backgrounds do astronauts have?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.


Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS Europe

73 da DeltaSQ - IU2GLO


mi metterò in ascolto!!grazie sempre delle info!!!



Ci saranno dei prossimi passaggi della ISS prima o poi vorrei provare anche io visto che è così semplice.
Saluti Carmelo IT9GHW.

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando RogerKApp
Pagina QRZ.COM
Sito web
                          STAY TUNED!


sono in frequenza in ascolto. il prossimo passaggio sarà molto alto speriamo di sentire qualcosa..


Citazione di: pesciolino73 il 13 Giugno 2017, 16:50:50
sono in frequenza in ascolto. il prossimo passaggio sarà molto alto speriamo di sentire qualcosa..
sentito per circa 5 min ma molto disturbato e a tratti .


A quell'ora ero ancorain ufficio, stavo uscendo da lavoro. Mi sono messo in ascolto in auto con base magnetica ma il passaggio era gia stato.
Sara' per la prossima. Garantito che si ascolta anche con un portatile e suo gommino. Un precedemte passaggio della ISS con Parmitano lo ascoltai in Nichelino nel cortile del ufficio. E' sempre una bella esperienza ascoltarli.


Il radioamatore è una persona affascinata dal comportamento delle onde radio e da tutto ciò che serve ad esplorarle. E' uno sperimentatore che opera nel rispetto delle leggi e che ama condividere con gli altri le proprie conoscenze, Michele IZ8XOV



Da qualche parte scrivono che dovrebbe iniziare gia' questo weekend, da altre parti il prossimo...


Sì, in effetti tutto dovrebbe iniziare a partire da domani fino al 24. Qualcuno ha esperienza di utilizzo di robot 36 sul tablet? Vedo che tuttio utilizzano solo su smartphone...


ARISS contact planned for Summer Camp in Germany

An International Space Station ARISS contact has been planned for
asrtronaut Paolo Nespoli IZ0JP with VCP-Bundeszeltplatz, Großzerlang,

The event is scheduled Tuesday August 1st, 2017 at approximately 18.20 UTC,
which is 20.20 CEST.

The direct radio contact will be operated by DP9S.
Downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz
narrowband FM.

School Information:

The "Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder"(BdP) is a Guide and Scout
Association from Germany. BdP is part of the "World Organisation of the
Scout Movement" (WOSM) and the "World Association
of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts" (WAGGGS).

Every four years a National Jamboree (summer camp) is organized, where
about 5'500 guides and scouts, in the age of 12 to 16 years, meet. Part of
this gathering are also about 500 guest scouts from all over the world.In
German the camp is called "BuLa" – a abbreviation for "Bundeslager".

During two weeks the scouts live peaceful together and enjoy life abroad
from civilization. They camp in traditional "black tents", which are a
specialty of German scouts. The basic tent shape it that of a small tipi
(Kothe) our a yurt (Jurte). But there are nearly no limits in combining
the tent elements and the scouts build awesome constructions, which they
call yurt-castle (Jurtenburg). After everything is built, the campground
becomes a little city, where the inhabitants experience a unique
back-to-the-roots atmosphere and share thescouting and guiding spirit.

The 10 main camp days are loaded with exciting outdoor activities.But there
on site actives but also excursions to the surroundings. You can climb,
build pioneering stuff, go geocaching, biking, hiking, climbing, swimming,
canoeing, go for a drink or snack in on of the tent coffees, etc. etc. .
One activity spot is the scout-radio-amateur-tent. There the scouts can do
amateur radio direction finding (fox hunting), play a game with avalanche
beacons, have internationalamateur radio contacts, learn about EME
(earth-moon-earth) and try it out or play one of the other radio connected
games. And of course, a highlight of ours is the contact with the ISS.

The motto of the camp is "Estonteco 2017". "Estonteco" means in Esperanto
"future". Our tent city will be a space for different walks of life,
nationalities and cultures, to engage and get know each other, while we
build our camp world from scratch.

The ARISS contact will be conducted in English.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. What are the current research projects that you have on board the ISS?
Which experiment are you carrying out?

2. What skills do you need to become an astronaut and how do you acquire

3. What was the most important or most spectacular scientific discovery
made on the ISS up to now?

4. What if somebody gets seriously sick?

5. What was your motivation to become an astronaut?

6. What was the most critical situation on the station so far?

7. Can you see our Jamboree site from space and could it help if we shine a
laser pen towards the ISS?

8. How do the constellation of the stars change compared to the view from
the Earth?

9. How often are you working outside in Space? Is it dangerous?

10. How do you shower in space?

11. Is it possible to see the romantic sunsets from the ISS like from the
Earth? Or even polar lights? What about rainbows?

12. What happens, when a meteorite hits the space station?

13. How does the food taste?

14. When you are looking out of the window towards the Earth, do you
sometimes think of the insignificance of humanity or of your own person?

15. What is the most annoying thing up there?

16. What are you most excited about, when you are back on Earth?

17. How do you experience the day-night-rhythm?

18. Do you have plants?

19. You've been away from home for a long time. How is that for you?

20. What do you miss most?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency,

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the
International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first
hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize
youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.


Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS Europe


Chissà se la parte nord dell'Italia riceverà qualcosa... se la ISS passa a sud di Großzerlang forse abbiamo una occasione.

Un saluto.

roberto- i -t-9-a-c-j

stasera occhio a 121.750 fm, il nostro astronauta italiano nespoli torna in orbita sulla iss.
stay tuned

roberto- i -t-9-a-c-j


la iss abbraccia buona parte dell'europa nel suo cammino, stasera stiamo a vedere come arrivano i segnali della soyuz in avvicinamento a 121.750 fm

roberto- i -t-9-a-c-j

ocio anche alle frequenza di telemetria sempre in vhf


Oggi pomeriggio riparte Luca Parmitano speriamo in qualche collegamento in 145.800 finché sarà su!

inviato HUAWEI VNS-L31 using rogerKapp mobile

roberto- i -t-9-a-c-j

per chi volesse tentare l'ascolto consiglio di cercare il software orbitron (gratuito) e di vedere i passaggi sull'italia previsti per stasera.
per l'ascolto visto che la iss è a bassa quota (circa 400 km) anche una antenna verticale va bene.

roberto- i -t-9-a-c-j

tenete d'occhio anche la frequenza di 143.625, che usano tra di loro


Citazione di: roberto- i -t-9-a-c-j il 28 Luglio 2017, 13:54:19
per chi volesse tentare l'ascolto consiglio di cercare il software orbitron (gratuito) e di vedere i passaggi sull'italia previsti per stasera.
per l'ascolto visto che la iss è a bassa quota (circa 400 km) anche una antenna verticale va bene.
Già scaricato da un po stasera accendo e vediamo cosa riuscirò a sentire ho una x 200 diamond sul tetto e kenwood tmv 71

inviato HUAWEI VNS-L31 using rogerKapp mobile

roberto- i -t-9-a-c-j

la x200 va bene, squelch al minimo


73 a tutti, manca meno di mezz'ora e parte la diretta...
non dare da mangiare al troll


Citazione di: roberto- i -t-9-a-c-j il 28 Luglio 2017, 13:50:05

la iss abbraccia buona parte dell'europa nel suo cammino, stasera stiamo a vedere come arrivano i segnali della soyuz in avvicinamento a 121.750 fm
73 a tutti, confermo la frequenza, ascoltato il comandante russo per alcuni brevi passaggi...
non dare da mangiare al troll